What is the minimum age to be accepted at Ardevaz College - SLS College ?

All students from the age of 14 are accepted in our school. Students under 18 will be placed in host families. Students take classes from the international academic year 10 to 14. The average age of our student population is 20 ( 14-25)

How many students do you have per class ?

The Swiss Maturite Diploma or Baccalaureate diploma classes have between 10 to 16 students. The SLS language teaching classes where we focus on intensive, the classes are smaller, between 3 to 10 students. We don’t exceed 10 students per class.

If I have a problem or need some information, could I easily find some help from the administrative staff?

Yes, our administrative staff is there to help you to solve all the problems you could face and answer all your questions. You can of course come by anytime during office hours when the school is closed, However, a staff member may be reached 24/7.

What do I have to do if I am sick and I have to go to the hospital/doctor ?

On your first day of school, you will be given a list of emergency numbers. In case of an emergency, a member of the staff will take care of you and get medical assistance.

Can I have access to the internet ?

Yes, in the school you can have high-speed internet access. All the computers can be used during the opening hours. Moreover all the apartments have an internet connection.

If I don't speak French or little English only, how can I be understood by my teachers ?

All our teachers have a great deal of experience with non French speaking students and a working knowledge of English. Your social interaction among the pupils and outside friends will be stress free.

How much does the school supplies cost ?

Nothing! All the school supplies are given by the school without extra charges. Books, duplicates, print copies and CDs.

What are the equipments in the classrooms ?

Each classroom is available with a TV set, as well as a TV recorder,a DVD player, and CD player. Many teachers also use their own laptops during the lessons.

Is Ardévaz College - SLS College an accredited school ?

Yes, Ardevaz College group is a member of the Swiss private school association. Moreover all Arévaz diplomas are recognised by universities and hotel management school worldwide. all the universities or hotel management schools around the world. SLS college certificates are certified EduQua, a Swiss quality label.

What happens with my certificate of registration if I extend my studies at Ardevaz College - SLS College ?

Your registration certificate will be extended as long as you will study at our school.

What's the difference between Ardevaz College and SLS College ?

In our College we have two different sections : Ardevaz College offers courses aimed at high school students with two different diplomas, SLS College is a language school gateway to higher education in Switzerland, which awards to a language certificate at the end of a given program.

I am only 15 years old, but I have some relatives living in Switzerland, can I study at Ardevaz College - SLS College ?

Yes, there is no problem. In this case, you will be under their responsibility.

Can I work in Switzerland during my studies ?

No, only university students are authorized to work in Switzerland.

Why study French?

French is, with English, an official working language for: